Welcome to Sofia’s Place!

The winds of change are among us. A shift in consciousness is available to all through corridors of Source Light Energy currently showering upon our planet, Earth. This light- source brings numerous opportunities for change simply through a willingness to receive.  The key is to receive by reaching inwardly, into your heart center, to begin to uncover and embrace your true magnificence. Seeking this way provides windows of opportunities that allow one to realize the truth of their soul, their existence.

Through my personal journey, I discovered the importance of transparently sharing what I have graciously received. To those of you who are familiar with the previous version of this website, you will notice my spiritual connection will no longer be referred to as SnowOwl. Although this link was first made through the appearance of a pure white snowy owl, it is time to embrace the truth of what that symbolic owl represents, which is the ethereal Christed-energy that Jesus brought to Earth so long ago.

By embracing this intrinsic truth, I give permission for this all-important connection to become more open and direct, resulting in an energy exchange of a higher nature. I believe this is quite evident in messages received for others who themselves are seeking to know their true or authentic self during this time of great transformation. However one reaches their point of discovery will be determined by how they are guided inwardly. My wish is that your journey be marked by greatness and a swiftness that welcomes a new sense of authenticity that changes your life forevermore.

Welcome to the new design and embracement of Sofia’s Place.