Angela’s Journey

Spirit first contacted me in February 2000 through automatic writing. Even though I had never experienced this before, I knew enough about the process to grab a pen and paper to write down what was being imparted. Although it was a bit choppy with some broken sentences, the message was very inspiring. This occurrence was the beginning of an incredible spiritual journey that changed my life forever.

The first few years were my training years. Spirit would offer testimonials about mankind and our galactic universe so I could learn to write fluidly and without inserting personal opinions. A few months into our relationship it was revealed this wise, loving spirit providing mystical messaging was Jesus. I affirm I am a conduit of the Christed-energy Jesus brought to earth as a human over 2000 years ago. It is my mission now to anchor this energy through my spiritual connection and offer guidance to those who are drawn this way.

To help embrace this truth, I became a student of Marilyn Gewacke, Ph.D., co-director of the Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision (SEV). Marilyn’s magnificence was brought to light, or manifested, through channeling ZaZar, a Sixth Dimensional extraterrestrial ascended being. As a student, I learned that in order to embrace one’s unique magnificence, one must first find their inner truths by letting go of belief systems mistakenly perceived as reality and assumed since birth. One can do this by recognizing, acknowledging and releasing that which no longer serves their greater purpose.

A truly remarkable and expanded awareness allows one to embrace the totality of one’s life experience during this incredible time on this planet. Human consciousness and Earth’s uplifting happening simultaneously! What I know now as genuine truth is that we have been gifted an ascended life experience as a human being. This means we are able to embrace and become our Fifth Dimensional (5D) Self while remaining in Third Dimensional (3D) human form. This passageway helps to save our planet. Our cosmic neighbors and connections can assist us to remember who we truly are and guide us to transforming our species while saving Mother Earth; however, as human beings, we must do the saving.

It is my observation that through collective awareness the momentum has become stronger. I encourage all beings to embrace this present window of opportunity to unravel the assumed illusion of the life form into the awareness of the magnificence of soul. In doing so, you will be amazed what becomes of your life’s purpose, heart, body and soul. It is my ultimate hope that you will allow your true self to Be and Become that which is your greatest Self by embracing your magnificence too. The time is Now.