July 2024 is a most brave month in that it is turning the corner in a most prominent year. Half the year is gone and half the year is yet to be created. Are you ready? Are you ready to surrender to All That There Is not knowing the true meaning of what that entails? It is nearly impossible to know what is coming, what to expect when it hasn’t manifested yet.
You are the creator. You are a significant part of the collective consciousness that will steer the ship forward into the new awakening of the new dawn. What you create by your thoughts and intentions will determine just how far the human race will go. Will you be a leader or a follower? Only you can decide. Both are significant in terms of progress, going forward so our suggestion for you today in this most glorious turning point of the year is to listen.
Listen to your heart openly and with love surrounding all. That is the way to your magnificence and to the glory yet to become. It is within each and everyone upon this earth at this transitional time to search within, deeply beyond the pettiness and shortcomings most abundant at this time. Be strong. Be brave enough to look deep inside your soul to discover your greatness. Behold that energy and see what you can create in the goodness of your heart. The world is waiting and so are we.
May the blessings of this month take you to places most unknown within your treasures of the heart. That is truly the way to magnificence for all, Amen.