January 2025

This is the beginning of a new dawning of existence.  The past is gone and left to bed for the interference of old, outdated frequencies and energies have arisen to pull each and everyone of us into the lightness of day evermore.  As an individual human being at this time and place upon Mother Earth, you have the opportunity to leave what’s left of yesteryear behind to absorb and become the new dawning of life evermore. 

These energies and frequencies are bountiful for all to receive for uplifting one’s perspective on what eternal life means upon earth as it stands today.  All are lifted.  Plants, humans, animals seen and unseen.  As all ascend together into the greatness of day being offered at this time, all become peace and harmony evermore.  Won’t that be a pleasant existence for all to pursue?

It is for all eternally so think about what you can leave behind with the yesteryear of life that will allow for transformation of your heart, mind, body and soul.  To be lifted to parts of your existence that only possess kindness, love and acceptance for all as One.  Unity is truly the way homeward bound and that is what is before you on this month of new beginnings. May it be internally or externally upon your walk in life.  Just allow it to be so evermore, Amen.

December 2024

December is the most magical month in that it’s the anticipation of celebration within a child’s heart that leads the way evermore.  Having the spirit and intention of believing within the magic anyway possible opens corridors of change and acceptance within those hardened souls in life.  Together as One, all can be lifted to heights that will shine within and down upon their soul evermore.

We ask that during the evening hours upon this glorious month of change and opportunity to look upon the darkened skies.  Within the stars do come the promise of what is yet to come.  That being the Savior of all time.  The Christed energy brought to earth so long ago by God’s only son Jesus.  Within that promise to save all souls and lift them up within the glory to be, all are included evermore.

Make it your eternal promise to look up into the stars to find and capture your light within that can be embraced from above.  That is how it works.  That is how all connections are made through the belief of the light within evermore.  We join you in the high heavens above to ignite and embrace all willing to shine their love upon this season of hope evermore.  It truly is the most magical time of the year, Amen.

November 2024

November is a blessed month in that all rejoice in being together.  Having a meaningful day in which many choose to define as family one way or another makes it possible for all to feel belonged.  In that feeling of not being alone it allows for self to open up, expand heart waves to reach into the beyond for a connection that was created eons ago.

Once a human reaches out, upward as it seems, all become alive within the feeling of belonging evermore.  That is why November is a blessed month.  Calling all souls that once were up in the heavens to join with those souls of familiarity down upon Mother Earth.  Causing streams of love and acceptance to capture all.  May this awareness be the beginning of remaining open to receive that which pleases the heart evermore. 

So, as you gather with your loved ones, remember to look upward and inward for your connection to All That There Is evermore.  That shall bring peace upon all that so desire it.  Blessings to all known and unknown at this particular time and experience upon Mother Earth. 

As One, there’s no turning back for the cycle of belonging can prosper evermore.  Now go be thankful for All That There Is, Amen.

October 2024

October is a fascinating month in that it allows for the darkness to become the Light of Day.  There is nothing to fear.  No-thing whatsoever if one believes in the light, the trueness of God within evermore.  Allow this light to expand and become All That There Is evermore so that darkness may never be allowed within.

Now is the time to declare one’s independence and commitment to believe within the promise of TomorrowLand.  You are the creators, the builders of a new system of beliefs.  One that centers around the wholeness of God evermore.  Without rigid requirements imposed upon self from those less aware, less open to receive the trueness evermore.

Now all veils are being lifted so that you can decide right from wrong.  Which way to turn.  How to identify and embrace truth all ways.  Are you open to receive?  Are you willing to go inward where the unknown can be embraced upon?  That is where all truths can be found and felt within your heart of gold.

It is there waiting for you to decide, to turn away from the darkness into the Light of Day forevermore.  So brave hearts, enter within knowing it is the true way to freedom of life evermore, Amen.

September 2024

The month of September is renewal in that all that has been harvested is completed leaving room for new growth, new expectations to be seeded and planted.  You have the choice now of which seeds you are to seek and embrace.  Are they familiar to your soul?  To your being of trust?  Or are you willing to step aside from that is familiar, comfortable within to embrace that which is still unknown?

You decide.  It is your choice evermore so within this month of renewal ask yourself how far are you willing to go?  How much faith do you have within your sanctity of living?  Let your thoughts be free of any restraints placed upon them through fear of the unknown for within the greatness of believing that is unknown, unfamiliar are opportunities of change which lead to growth of heart, mind, body and soul.

May that be your wish eternally so.  Now go create and become beyond your wildest dreams.  You decide evermore, Amen.

August 2024

August is the time of renewal and acceptance.  The crops have been planted and well on their way for harvest.  Now is the time to allow all to come to their fruition in order to embrace and behold that which has been prepared for you.  You are the receivers of the bounty from the heavens above and earth offerings from below.

Are you ready to receive that which you have sowed in previous moments of time?  Can you perceive what is being prepared for harvest at the perfect time determined by your soul readiness?  It is always up to the individual to decide where, when and how much.  You planted the seeds long before this incarnation.  They have been growing and developing inside your soul and being of trust. 

Will you be ready for harvest when it’s time?  Are you ready to receive that which was intended for you all along?  That is what the month of August is offering to you.  To decide by looking within deeply in your heart to see if you are truly ready for the next step of realization of self.  We suggest all to soar into this land of opportunities evermore.

You are loved beyond imagination in whatever direction you choose.  Make it a solid commitment to receive evermore, Amen.

July 2024

July 2024 is a most brave month in that it is turning the corner in a most prominent year.  Half the year is gone and half the year is yet to be created.  Are you ready?  Are you ready to surrender to All That There Is not knowing the true meaning of what that entails?  It is nearly impossible to know what is coming, what to expect when it hasn’t manifested yet. 

You are the creator.  You are a significant part of the collective consciousness that will steer the ship forward into the new awakening of the new dawn.  What you create by your thoughts and intentions will determine just how far the human race will go.  Will you be a leader or a follower?  Only you can decide.  Both are significant in terms of progress, going forward so our suggestion for you today in this most glorious turning point of the year is to listen.

Listen to your heart openly and with love surrounding all.  That is the way to your magnificence and to the glory yet to become.  It is within each and everyone upon this earth at this transitional time to search within, deeply beyond the pettiness and shortcomings most abundant at this time.  Be strong.  Be brave enough to look deep inside your soul to discover your greatness.  Behold that energy and see what you can create in the goodness of your heart.  The world is waiting and so are we.

May the blessings of this month take you to places most unknown within your treasures of the heart.  That is truly the way to magnificence for all, Amen.

June 2024

Slowly one is embraced within the magical essence of a darkened sky by the light energy of the stars above. It is the transference of light into night’s awareness of the energies of the unknown. So, close your eyes when night begins to fall to be entranced within the powers of beyond that cannot be seen with earthly eyes yet felt eternally so.

That is how one embraces its magnificence opening and without definition. To become is to behold that cannot be seen yet illuminated by one’s desire to allow that which cannot be defined. Enter within the summer solstice with an openness of mind, body, spirit and soul so that within the darkness you find your light of day.

The skies are welcoming you wholeheartedly so that you are ready to receive the gifts waiting to be reclaimed. The gifts are yours, have been eternally so, just waiting for your embracement evermore. Awaken within through the powers of the month of June. It will set a pace in time for the coming days of the ascension process. That is the path truly all should be on.

Be it peace, of solitude, of awareness of self. Just let it be, Amen.

May 2024

May is an incredible month for it carries the promise of the world to come. We are in the midst of the most extraordinary transformation ever experienced among a planet and species. This ascension process is only possible due to the commitment and desire of all who have entered within this time period upon the earth.

Let it be known that all have volunteered one way or another to be a part of this huge awakening so do not be fooled by what is presented before your eyes. You must dig deeper within your hearts of gold where all secrets lie for opening passageways into the New Dawning that is just beyond the horizon.

It is here and it is now and shall become more apparent as more souls begin to make the connection, remember who they truly are. All are sons and daughters of the Almighty Source, God from the heavens above. And through Him, doorways of prosperity will be opened so each and everyone can uncover and embrace their true magnificence within. No one shall be left behind for we all are One with Source. Unity is the only way home, inward as it seems.

Once one becomes peace within, all others will begin to merge within the love and light available to All. So, within this month of May, the month of honoring mothers both here and beyond, begin the cycle of letting go that which prevents you from becoming your greatest self. Loving self is always the first step to this realization. You can do this by forgiving all that no longer serves your greatest good in life. Forgiveness and loving self are truly the way home evermore.

May this be the month you begin to get the ball rolling into greener pastures for all evermore. You are all ways loved beyond hope and recognition. May you feel this eternally so, Amen.